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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Statements of Income (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Equity
Consolidated Statement of Equity (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statement of Capital Statement
Consolidated Statement of Capital Consolidated Statement of Capital (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Organization and Basis of Presentation
Significant Accounting Policies
Property Acquisitions
Property Dispositions
Debt and Preferred Equity Investments
Investments in Unconsolidated Joint Ventures
Deferred Costs
Mortgages and Other Loans Payable
Corporate Indebtedness
Related Party Transactions
Noncontrolling Interests in Operating Partnership
Stockholders' Equity of the Company
Partners' Capital of the Operating Partnership
Share-based Compensation
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss of the Company
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss of the Operating Partnership
Fair Value Measurements
Financial Instruments: Derivatives and Hedging
Commitments and Contingencies
Segment Information
Subsequent Events
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Organization and Basis of Presentation (Tables)
Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Property Acquisitions (Tables)
Property Dispositions (Tables)
Debt and Preferred Equity Investments (Tables)
Investments in Unconsolidated Joint Ventures (Tables)
Deferred Costs (Tables)
Mortgages and Other Loans Payable (Tables)
Corporate Indebtedness (Tables)
Related Party Transactions (Tables)
Noncontrolling Interests in Operating Partnership (Tables)
Stockholders' Equity of the Company (Tables)
Partners' Capital of the Operating Partnership (Tables)
Share-based Compensation (Tables)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss of the Company (Tables)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss of the Operating Partnership (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Financial Instruments: Derivatives and Hedging (Tables)
Commitments and Contingencies (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Notes Details
Organization and Basis of Presentation (Details)
Organization and Basis of Presentation (Details 2)
Significant Accounting Policies (Details)
Significant Accounting Policies (Details 2)
Significant Accounting Policies (Details 3)
Significant Accounting Policies (Details 4)
Significant Accounting Policies (Details 5)
Significant Accounting Policies (Details 6)
Property Acquisitions (Details)
Property Acquisitions Property Acquisitions-Table (Details)
Property Dispositions (Details)
Debt and Preferred Equity Investments (Details)
Debt and Preferred Equity Investments (Details 2)
Debt and Preferred Equity Investments (Details 3)
Debt and Preferred Equity Investments (Details 4)
Investments in Unconsolidated Joint Ventures (Details)
Investments in Unconsolidated Joint Ventures (Details 2)
Investments in Unconsolidated Joint Ventures (Details 3)
Deferred Costs (Details)
Mortgages and Other Loans Payable (Details)
Corporate Indebtedness (Details)
Corporate Indebtedness-Future Payment (Details)
Corporate Indebtedness-Interest (Details)
Related Party Transactions (Details)
Noncontrolling Interests in Operating Partnership (Details)
Noncontrolling Interest-Rollforward (Details)
Stockholders' Equity of the Company (Details)
Stockholders' Equity-EPS (Details)
Partners' Capital of the Operating Partnership (Details)
Partners' Capital of the Operating Partnership-EPS (Details)
Share-based Compensation-Amended and Restated Text (Details)
Share-based Compensation-Fair Value Assumptions (Details)
Share-based Compensation-Options roll forward (Details)
Share-based Compensation (Details)
Share-based Compensation-Notional Unit (Details)
Share-based Compensation-Other (Details)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss of the Company (Details)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss of the Operating Partnership (Details)
Fair Value Measurements (Details)
Financial Instruments: Derivatives and Hedging (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Details)
Segment Information (Details)
Segment Information (Details 2)
Subsequent Events (Details)
Uncategorized Items - slg-20130930.xml
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